My first interaction with south east asia institute for thalassemia was on 10th February 2010. Aditya, my second born was 4 years old and had been receiving blood transfusion since 3 months of age when he was first diagnosed as thalassemia major. We were explained about the possibility of a complete cure by bone marrow transplant by marrow donated by my elder son. We finally saw some hope for aditya. We were amongst the first batch of patients to undergo hla typing at the centre. His elder brother was found compatible and we were asked to be in regular follow up till date for bmt was fixed. Finally in January 2012, my family was counseled in detail about outcome and possible complications.
Aditya and I were the first inhabitants of the newly constructed unit. The staff and I were all apprehensive about how aditya would behave but he was really excited and could not wait to be admitted.
On the day of BMT, I still remember how I placed my head on Dr. Priya’s shoulder and burst into tears and said:’ madam after god, I now place both my sons in your hand, remember you are their mother now.
The harvesting was smooth and my elder son walked out of the theatre smiling and proud, afterall he had done god’s work.

By God’s Grace, Our Stay in the Unit Was Unevenful and Aditya’s Clinical Recovery Was Smooth.
Being the First Patient of Seait, Our Stay Was Extended for Another 2 Months. Seait Arranged for All Facilities and We Did Not Have to Pay a Penny for the Treatment.

It has been Ten Years Now since My Child Has Been Declared Thalassemia Free. He Is Now a Happy, Healthy and Intelligent Child, Attending School, Performing Academically Very Well and Has Forgotten All the Pain of Repeated Transfusions Before ‘SEAIT’ Happened.